Only two major postglacial basaltic lava flows are known to have been erupted from the associated >75-km-long eruptive fissure Eldgjá and adjacent vents, i.e. the ~6,800 14C years BP Hólmsá lavas and the AD 934–940 years Eldgjá lavas (~19 km3; Larsen 2000; Thordarson et al. 2001). Holocene volcanism from the caldera itself is


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est glacial and postglacial eruptions in the Theistar-eykir volcanic system. However, Gee et al. [1998a] proposed that the geochemical variations observed on the Reykjanes Peninsula and at Theistareykir may be caused by processes that occur in crustal Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems G 3 maclennan et al.: volcanism and deglaciation 10.1029 1998-12-15 · Iceland is a part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge located above a mantle plume 1, 2. Because of the topographical anomaly caused by the plume, volcanism and tectonics have been active in subaerial conditions for at least 16 Myr .

Postglacial volcanism in iceland

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est glacial and postglacial eruptions in the Theistar-eykir volcanic system. However, Gee et al. [1998a] proposed that the geochemical variations observed on the Reykjanes Peninsula and at Theistareykir may be caused by processes that occur in crustal Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems G 3 maclennan et al.: volcanism and deglaciation 10.1029 The volcanism of Iceland comes from the fact that the country sits directly across the Mid Atlantic Ridge. This ridge separates the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates, and Iceland is one of the few places on earth that it can be seen above sea-level. These tectonic plates are divergent, meaning that they are pulling away from each other. M. J. Rossi, Morphology and mechanism of eruption of postglacial shield volcanoes in Iceland, Bulletin of Volcanology, 10.1007/BF00304437, 57, 7, (530-540), (1996).

Volc. 54,385–392. Sinton, J., K.Grönvold andK.Sæmundsson2005.

A summit caldera lies beneath the ice. Several shield volcanoes have been constructed along flank fissure zones, and postglacial lava flows flank Langjökull on 

the ~6,800 14C years BP Hólmsá lavas and the AD 934–940 years Eldgjá lavas (~19 km3; Larsen 2000; Thordarson et al. 2001).

glacial-eroded morphology is disturbed by volcanic systems that are post-glacial, syn-glacial and resistant to glacial ero- sion. Volcanic sediments generated by 

These tectonic plates are divergent, meaning that they are pulling away from each other. M. J. Rossi, Morphology and mechanism of eruption of postglacial shield volcanoes in Iceland, Bulletin of Volcanology, 10.1007/BF00304437, 57, 7, (530-540), (1996). Crossref M. Jull, D. McKenzie, The effect of deglaciation on mantle melting beneath Iceland, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 10.1029/96JB01308, 101 , B10, (21815-21828), (1996). There is widespread volcanic activity on Iceland because it is situated where a hot upwelling mantle plume lies beneath the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. This upwelling generates the melt that crystallizes to form the thick Icelandic crust.

Postglacial volcanism in iceland

Postglacial volcanism in Iceland. / Thordarson, Thorvaldur; Hoskuldsson, A. In: Jokull, Vol. 58, 2008, p. 197-228. Research output: Contribution to journal glacier loading/deloading on volcanism: Postglacial volcanic production rate of the Dyngjufjöll area, central Iceland.
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1986-11-10 · About Cookies, including instructions on how to turn off cookies if you wish to do so. By continuing to browse this site you agree to us using cookies as described in About Cookies.

The Krafla table mountain, which is one of the largest preserved subglacial eruptions in the Krafla system, has a Mg # of 57.5 and REE contents that are higher than those of Gjástykkisbunga, and similar glacier loading/deloading on volcanism: Postglacial volcanic production rate of the Dyngjufjöll area, central Iceland. Bull. Volc. 54,385–392. Sinton, J., K.Grönvold andK.Sæmundsson2005. Postglacial eruptive history of the Western Volcanic Zone, Iceland.