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Bettingmogulernas stiftelse investerar i två bolag i östra Afrika. Ett av På tisdagskvällen efter börsens stängning aviserade Henrik Persson Ekdahl, via sitt investmentbolag Optimizer, att han ska sälja halva sitt innehav i börssuccén Catena Media. Totalt handlar det om aktier till ett värde av nästan en halv miljard kronor. Petter Moldenius, vd Optimizer Invest, om investeringstrategi.
Apply to Data Center Technician, Fashion Intern, Program Manager and more! Optimizer Invest, Sliema, Malta. 761 likes. Optimizer Invest is a fully founder funded venture capitalist company that is actively investing in start-ups Spanish sports app Playtomic has raised €6 million in funding from Optimizer Invest, GP Bullhound, and private investors.
Om Optimizer Invest. Optimizer Invest är ett grundarfinansierat venture capital-bolag baserat på Malta, grundat av svenskarna Henrik Persson Ekdahl och Mikael Riese Harstad samt norrmannen Andre Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Optimizer Invest-ägda Catena Media förvärvar samtliga affiliate-tillgångar i den tyska affiliate-sajten Brokerdeal.de.
Advance your career in investment banking, private equity, FP&A, treasury, corporate development and other areas of corporate finance. Finance Training Online.
Optimizer Invest was founded in Malta late 2012 by the Swedes Henrik Persson and Mikael Riese Harstad, and Norwegian André Lavold. The majority of Optimizer Invest’s portfolio companies are online businesses targeting consumers directly. Petter Moldenius is Chief Executive Officer at Optimizer Invest Ltd. See Petter Moldenius's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. Johan Kinnander is Investment Manager at Optimizer Invest Ltd. See Johan Kinnander's compensation, career history, education, & memberships.
April. Founded in the summer of 2016 by Scandinavian tech magnates, Henrik Persson Ekdahl, André Lavold and Mikael Riese Harstad, from Optimizer Invest.
Apply today. At Investec, we are more about creating paths than following them. We strive to live Out of the Ordinary. Nu har bolaget vunnit Optimizer Invest startuptävling varav första pris är en investering på max 1,5 miljoner euro. Pensioneras medgrundare Alexander Pärleros uppger för Di Digital att bolaget tar in 12 miljoner kronor. I samband med affären värderas bolaget till 85 miljoner kronor (före investering). Optimizer Invest (investor).
If you think you could be a good fit, please send your CV and a covering letter to info@optimizerinvest.com. Optimizer Invest Successfully Exits Consector After Six Years After more than six years as active investors, supporting with strategic and operational advice in Consector / Lånekoll, Optimizer will sell its shares to Max Matthiessen, a strategic acquirer that will take the company to the next level. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Investment Associate will support Optimizer Foundation in growing its portfolio of impactful early-stage businesses. Key focus will be on growing the pipeline (sourcing/evaluating) of high potential investment opportunities; work on due diligence processes; and provide advisory support to the portfolio companies. Optimizer Foundation Insamlingsstiftelse ©2020.
Bayramlar 2021
The company plans to use the money to expand to new markets with a goal “to be Europe’s leaders next year,” said its CEO and founder Pedro Clavería. Optimizer Invest har sedan september drivit tävlingen Start-up Hunt om vilket företag som ska ingå i Optimizers investeringsportföl. Tre finalister valdes ut för en slutpitch den 21 november, och Pensionera.se utsågs till vinnare. Optimizer Invest invests and supports early, expansion and late stage companies in fast growing sectors Optimizer Invest attends EiG in Berlin 18-20 October CEO Carla Maree Vella joins the EiG event as a panel judge, whilst on the lookout for the next start-up to join Optimizer’s portfolio. EiG, short for Excellence in igaming, is one of Europe’s largest events that gathers gaming We do not have any open positions advertised right now for Optimizer Invest, but we are always interested to hear from talented and driven candidates.
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