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LinkedIn · Twitter · I'm passionate about data and I love to  Join the conversation! Retweet, chime in on a thread, go viral, or just scroll through the Twitter timeline to stay on top of what everyone's talking about. Twitter is  Nov 21, 2016 As he illustrated with tweets about the musical “Hamilton” over the offensive, salacious or entertaining,” wrote data guru Nate Silver not long  Supertalang och guru enligt @veckansaffarer.

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All your data and history are fully preserved. 2016-09-19 In collaboration with SND DataGURU was issued DOI prefix and we started to issue DOI for public datasets. 2016-06-23 CORDEX dataset was re-added following the resolution of ESGF issues. 2016-04-24 DataGURU has been upgraded.

20 okt. 2015 — Presentationen beskrev olika sätt för att visualisera data med syfte att kommunicera som använder sig av Twitter (främst den yngre generationen).