As the battery supply chain is getting bigger, both in terms of actors and volume, and becoming more complex so will the demand for minerals to power the battery power technology. Therefore, it is strategically important that IndustriALL is involved in the due diligence process to secure workers’ rights and organize workers in the supply chain.
10 things you need to know. This list is not exhaustive and will vary depending on how your business Mitigate your supply chain risk with effective vendor due diligence Managing supply chain risk starts with knowing who your vendors are. If you aren’t continually conducting thorough due diligence across your vendor network, you’re leaving your organization at risk. [6] Spears, S./ Olgemoeller, U. H. (2020) Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Laws: Germany takes another step towards global value chain regulation; October 20th, Allen & Overy, London [7] Petrich, Juliane (2020). Lieferketten nachvollziehbar gestalten (Making supply chains traceable), Position paper, Berlin [8] Aruna Kashyap (2018).
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At its basic level, supply chain or third-party due diligence describes the efforts taken to investigate a potential business partner. Third parties in a modern supply chain are diverse. They can include anything from suppliers, distributors, agents, advisors and consultants, and even customers. Third-party due diligence applies both up and down the supply chain. The OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas provides companies that use and trade natural resources sourced from high-risk areas with further concrete guidance.
SIM consultants help you in setting up your supply chain due diligence process, based on their experience with retail and producing organizations.
Sustainable Corporate Governance Reforms & Supply Chain Due Diligence: The European Commission’s Green Deal Meets Human Rights Legislation January 14, 2021, Covington Alert This year will see the European Commission put forward legislative proposals on mandatory human rights and environmental supply chain due diligence as well as on sustainable corporate governance (“SCG”).
Human Rights Due Diligence. agreed with the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs on taking concrete steps to improve the coal supply chain.
supply chain due diligence (‘Union system’). The methodology and cr iteria for such schemes to be recognised as equivalent to the requirements of this Regulation should be established in a delegated act to allow for compliance
2021-04-23 · The OECD Guidance is global in scope, and applies to all mineral supply chains. The 3rd Edition of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance was published in April 2016. This booklet contains the OECD Council Recommendation, the text of the Guidance, the 3Ts Supplement and the Gold Supplement. The EC initially presented a study on options for regulating due diligence requirements through the supply chain in February 2020, which highlighted that voluntary regimes across Europe had failed to change the way businesses managed their corporate governance responsibilities.
· Legal liability risk for businesses · Next steps towards
3 Oct 2020 For the last quarter-century, companies with international supply chains have relied upon audits to validate labor and human rights, and
18 Jan 2021 Geneva, 18 January 2021: Human rights due diligence is a crucial means to manage risks in corporate supply chains. Making robust human
The Dutch banking sector supports the upcoming proposal by the European Commission for a broad supply chain due diligence requirement for European
Due diligence to support conflict-sensitive and responsible sourcing practices is of increasing importance to jewellery supply chains, particularly gold. Download "Study on Due Diligence Requirements through the Supply Chain", a study for the European Commission by BIICL, Civic Consulting and LSE
3 Mar 2021 The Due Diligence Act proposed by the German government will require companies to analyse human rights risks in their supply chains, fulfil due
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Geneva, 18 January 2021: Human rights due diligence is a crucial means to manage risks in corporate supply chains.Making robust human rights due diligence part of standard business practice is key to advancing corporate respect for human rights and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the Conflict Mineral Regulation, which mandates supply chain due diligence for trade in certain minerals and metals from conflict-affected areas, serves as a useful guide in assessing the likely nature of the new Supply Chain Due Diligence Regulation. Firstly, the scope of the Conflict Mineral Regulation is narrow. Overview.
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) came into force in October this year,
The RBA Practical Guide to Implementing Responsible Business Conduct Due Diligence in Supply Chains provides an overview of the major standards on. At its basic level, supply chain or third-party due diligence describes the efforts taken to investigate a potential business partner.
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Supply chains can be confusing to newbies and experts alike. Use these tips and resources to learn more about supply chains and logistics, and why they're so important to every business.
This booklet contains the OECD Council Recommendation, the text of the Guidance, the 3Ts Supplement and the Gold Supplement. 2021-04-10 · The EC initially presented a study on options for regulating due diligence requirements through the supply chain in February 2020, which highlighted that voluntary regimes across Europe had failed to change the way businesses managed their corporate governance responsibilities. In aligning supply chain contracts with existing obligations and requiring reasonable due diligence by both contract parties, the MCCs seek to address what could be considered an imbalance in the typical negotiation of supply chain contracts where, traditionally, a buyer has tended to shift all responsibility for human rights issues to the supplier.