Abstract: This collection of essays represents the most comprehensive study to date on the anthology compiled by Stobaeus (5th c. AD). It covers topics such as excerpting as a cultural practice, issues pertaining to the ms. tradition, Stobaeus' use of his sources, his evidence on specific figures (Heraclitus, Theognis, Plato, the Cynics, Aristo of Chios, and Eudorus of Alexandria), as well as
Joannes Stobaeus (/ dʒ oʊ ˈ æ n ᵻ s s t oʊ ˈ b iː ə s /; Greek: Ἰωάννης ὁ Στοβαῖος; fl. 5th-century CE), from Stobi in Macedonia, was the compiler of a valuable series of extracts from Greek authors.The work was originally divided into two volumes containing two books each. The two volumes became separated in the manuscript tradition, and the first volume became
tradition, Stobaeus' use of his sources, his evidence on specific figures (Heraclitus, Theognis, Plato, the Cynics, Aristo of Chios, and Eudorus of Alexandria), as well as Stobaeus, Anthology iv. 52. 32 (Hense v. 1082).
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Additional books from the extended shelves: Title:: The Greek Anthology, With an English Translation: Translator:: Paton, W. R. (William Roger), 1857-1921: Note: Loeb Classical Library edition, in Greek and Joannes Stobaeus: lt;dl|> ||For the composer see: |Johann Stobäus|| | | ||Joannes Stobaeus| (|||/|||||dʒ|||||oʊ||| World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation 2017-06-15 Two antique anthologies preserve many otherwise lost writings - this one from the fifth century by Stobaeus, the other from the ninth, by Photius and Photius is the guide to Stobaeus, one anthology preserving the structure of another. From Photius, we know the title of Stobaeus’ work (Extracts, Sentences and Precepts), its purpose (to teach his son Septimius), that it was in four books His work, which was a sort of anthology, was originally a single one, but in course of time was divided into two, each having two subdivisions—Eclogae Physicae et Ethicae, which is edited by Gaisford (1850) and Meineke (1860-64); and the Anthologion or Florilegium, edited by Gaisford (1822-25), Meineke (1856-57), and Wachsmuth and Hense, 3 vols. (Berlin, 1884-94). Britannica online, May 28, 2002 (Stobaeus, anthologist of the 5th century AD) Biog. & geneal. master index online, May 28, 2002 (Stobaeus, Ioannes (fl. 5th cent.)) Oxford classical dict., 1996 (Stobaeus (Iōannēs Stobaios John of Stobi) author of an anthology of … Stobaeus’s Cabinet of Curiosity: Emotions, “Curiosa” and Collecting in Early Modern Sweden and Beyond workshop Together with Professor Peter Gillgren he has edited the anthology Performativity and Performance in Baroque Rome (Ashgate, 2012).
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This book is part of the collection held by the Bodleian Libraries and scanned by Google, Inc. for the Google Books Library Project. For more information see:.
(Ed.) R. A. Segal. Oxford, 1–13.
Stobaeus, Joannes ( Ἰωάννης ὁ Στοβαῖος), derived his surname apparently from being a native of Stobi in Macedonia.Of his personal history we know nothing. Even the age in which he lived cannot be fixed with accuracy. He lived, at all events, later than Hierocles, whom he quotes.
While COVID-19 has ravaged our world, certain populations have been impacted more deeply than others. This print anthology strives to give voice to those voices who have been silenced, and it will be included in Borderless, a new book series from West Virginia University Press oriented toward social justice and social transformation. Stobaeus werd verscheidene malen in het Latijn vertaald, onder meer door Hugo de Groot: 'Dicta poetarum qvae apud Io. Stobaeum exstant' (1623). Pas vanaf ongeveer 1900 verschenen er vertalingen in andere talen. Vi använder cookies för att se till att vi ger dig den bästa upplevelsen på vår hemsida.
Stobaeus is the 1,425th most popular writer (down from 1,410th in 2019) , the 14th most popular biography from North Macedonia (down from 4th in 2019) and the most popular Macedonian Writer . Joannes Stobaeus (/ dʒ oʊ ˈ æ n ɪ s s t oʊ ˈ b iː ə s /; Yunani: Ἰωάννης ὁ Στοβαῖος; hidup pada abad ke-5 M) dari Stobi, Makedonia, adalah seorang pengkompilasi serangkaian penyarian dari para penulis Yunani. Malmö Kulturhistoriska Förening
Composer Johann Stobaeus (1580-1646), with works available to browse and buy. Johann Stobäus was a North German composer and lutenist. ments given in Stobaeus' Anthology. These two collections fprm a natu-. ,.
9 Gotland och goterna Per Stobaeus. Gotlands roll i medeltidens och anthology in German to the German hunting community. 35 Liljefors responded with an MLA style manual and guide to scholarly publishing. - 3.
,. , ral starting point, since it is the Corpus Hermeticum which has attrac- ted the most
(Ἰωάννης Στοβαι̑ος, 'John of Stobi'), author of an anthology of excerpts from poets and prose-writers, intended in the first instance for the instruction of his son
of arguably the most important anthology to have come down from Greek Antiquity. A connection to *Stobi is indicated by 'Stobaeus', while the name John
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URN: urn:cts:greekLit:tlg2037.tlg001.opp-grc2; Work: Anthologium; Textgroup: tlg2037; Author: Stobaeus. Editor: Hense, Otto; Language: Greek, Ancient (to
Here, in this Pythagorean symbola, the aphorisms of Epictetus' Manual, itself an anthology. evidence the fragments by a Hippodamus in Stobaeus' Anthology, which German philolog has dismissed as apocryphal (they are not included in Diels and Dec 16, 2016 FULL BOOK PDF. PDF The largest Greek anthology to survive antiquity, primarily and including both prose and verse, is that of Stobaeus. The Stammbueh or album of Johann Stobaeus, MS Sloane 1021 in the. British Library, is edition of them in 1617, with a new anthology of lute music entitled. Novus partus. German Eastern Territories; a Manual and Book of Reference&n Likewise, many fragments of trag- edy and comedy as well as other literary works are pre- served in the “Selections” and “Anthology” of Stobaeus This book is part of the collection held by the Bodleian Libraries and scanned by Google, Inc. for the Google Books Library Project.