To Cult Of Luna's Johannes Persson, one of the saddest things these days is the lack of critical sense shown by music enthusiasts, journalists, and, society as a 


Feb 11, 2013 As co-founder Johannes Persson told Britain's ATTN: magazine, electronics served as a vital piece of the writing process for the first time on 

Nå, de  Listen to Johannes Persson Om Hardcore Och Cult Of Luna and eighty-eight more episodes by Hemma Hos Strage, free! No signup or install needed. Johannes Persson om hardcore och Cult of Luna. Johannes väljer låtar av bland andra Deftones, Tom Waits, Julie Christmas, Joy Division och  Initiativtagaren och gitarristen Johannes Persson har genom åren gjort sig ett respekterat namn genom bloggfavoriterna Cult Of Luna och  Johannes Persson om hardcore och Cult of Luna.

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percussion/guitars. Thomas Hedlund. The band members are Klas Rydberg, Fredrik Kihlberg, Axel Stattin, Magnus Lindberg, Anders Teglund, Thomas Hedlund, Johannes Persson, Erik Olòfsson,  Hitta redaktionellt stockfoto på Johannes Persson Swedish Postmetal Band Cult Luna och andra foton i Shutterstocks samling med  Men framför allt betyder skivan väldigt mycket för oss, säger Johannes Persson, sångare och gitarrist i Cult of Luna. Cult of Luna är ett erkänt  Johannes Persson blir förvånad när mobilen ringer. Redan runt förra Cult Of Luna-skivan Salvation berättade Johannes för ST om att det var  Men framför allt betyder skivan väldigt mycket för oss, säger Johannes Persson, sångare och gitarrist i Cult of Luna. Cult of Luna är ett erkänt  Cult of Luna är ett metal-band från Umeå.

Past members. Klas Rydberg; Erik Olòfsson; Fredrik Renström; Marco Hildén; Axel Stattin; Anders Teglund.

Cult of Luna -- the doom-based post-metal band from Umea, Sweden -- were formed from the ashes of hardcore punk outfit Eclipse in 1998. Starting with an aggressive and primarily doom/sludge sound o

The album was voted record of the year by Echoes And Dust and has received admiration the world over. We had a chat with the band’s vocalist and guitarist Johannes Persson to discuss the album and the return of Cult of Luna along with the band’s forthcoming tour of North America, how their last European tour went, the Mariner album with Julie Christmas, and what the future holds musically for both him Johannes Persson (Cult Of Luna) Standing at the forefront of the Post-Metal scene for 20 years now, Cult Of Luna is one of those bands that is often imitated but rarely equaled. Their dark, threatening sound is the musical representation of a bad omen.

JOHANNES PERSSON OF CULT OF LUNA “Orange has always had an important impact on the Cult of Luna sound. With three low tuned guitars there is always a risk to lose the clearness in the tone. But with the Orange PPC412 behind me I never need to worry about the power and clearness in the low end. A pure work horse.” CURRENTLY USING:

After an extended period of inactivity, Cult of Luna returned with its Indie Recordings debut Vertikal and companion EP Vertikal II, both drawing inspiration from Fritz This is my interview with Johannes Persson, Singer and Guitarist of the legendary Post Metal band, Cult Of Luna. This was taken place, over skype on Monday, Johannes Persson of the mighty Cult of Luna is back on the show! We discuss the band’s new EP, The Raging River — which Johannes describes as an artistic continuation of their previous album, A Dawn To Fear — writing songs based on instincts instead of the clear start-to-finish approach they utilized in the past, how coming up with new ideas has become more difficult over the years, and Cult Of Luna frontman Johannes Persson has spoken out against the return of As I Lay Dying and their frontman Tim Lambesis to the metal scene.Lambesis of course went to prison after having attempted to hire an undercover cop posing as a hitman to kill his previous wife Meggan back in 2013. JOHANNES PERSSON OF CULT OF LUNA “Orange has always had an important impact on the Cult of Luna sound.

Johannes persson cult of luna

The guitars’ attack, coupled with the drums’ pounding and the vocals’ desperation build a relentless wall of sound and yet, they manage to incorporate just enough progression and calmer moment to make climatic parts even more epic. Persson would go onto explain that while on the road Cult of Luna ensure that each city they stop in has a gym. The musician shared that the addition to their touring routine has not only been good for the health of the band, but has allowed them to see the world from a different perspective – one gym at a time.
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Johannes persson cult of luna

I had wanted him on the show for quite a long time as I  Johannes Persson from Cult of Luna. November 27, 2019 Ray Harkins Episode 379. 100 Words Or Less: The Podcast. Johannes Persson from Cult of Luna.

We spoke to guitarist and vocalist Johannes Persson about their constantly improving live performances and Somewhere Along The Highway’s legacy.. A talk with the guitarist and the vocalist of the band Cult Of Luna about their last album - "VERTIKAL" and more*the songs in the back and the video of th After a successful interview with Intronaut, I proceeded to do another with Johannes Persson, the front man of Cult of Luna, who used his obvious dark magic to make my recorder not work. Truly, I should have guessed there was mysticism afoot.
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Cult of Luna. Buy Facebook Twitter and that was the antithesis of everything we’ve done before,” says vocalist/guitarist and lead songwriter Johannes Persson.

Och så om hur de lurade fans och  Det är utan tvekan 2006 års rock/metalalbum." Medlemmar[redigera | redigera wikitext]. Nuvarande medlemmar. Johannes Persson – gitarr  Johannes Persson "kan varken bekräfta eller förneka" att det var han som Men han kan berätta om sitt band Cult of Luna, som manglat tillsammans i 22 år, om  1998, typ, var Johannes Persson med och grundade Umeåbandet Cult of Luna. Över tio år senare är de ett självklart inslag på den  Johannes Persson om hardcore och Cult of Luna. av Hemma hos Strage | Publicerades 2020-08-05. Spela upp. Johannes Persson "kan varken bekräfta eller  Johannes Persson in Cult of Luna.