With the spread of the Covid-19 virus and the situation of travel restrictions in Europe, the international competition for young professionals EuroSkills 2020 has been postponed indefinitely. The competition was planned to take place in Graz, Austria, in January 2021, and this year the Latvian team planned to participate in the competition in 16 professions.


24 avr. 2020 Les voici sélectionnés pour faire partie de l'équipe qui représentera la Belgique à EuroSkills Graz du 6 au 10 janvier 2021 (cet événement devait initialement se dérouler fin septembre 2020). Comme les sportifs de hau

Yrkestävlingar för Industrielektriker och Automationstekniker. Hem · Tävlingar · Team EuroSkills 2016 Göteborg. Yrkes-EM som för  SE Logo. Yrkestävlingar för Industrielektriker och Automationstekniker. Hem · Tävlingar · Team Sweden Yrkes-EM EuroSkills. De som i respektive yrke vunnit  Andreas Sjöberg tog hem silverplatsen i lastbilsteknik under EuroSkills i Göteborg i helgen.

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STAY CONNECTED Austria and EuroSkills really is a match made in heaven, as the track record of this modest-sized nation, which has taken part in EuroSkills since 2008, clearly shows: 154 participants // 75 medals in individual competitions // 15 medals in team competitions // 24 “Medallions of Excellence” About Euroskills EuroSkills EuroSkills is an international professional skills competition for young people where the representatives of more than 30 member countries present their professional skills and competitiveness and compare them to those of young people from other countries. EuroSkills is an opportunity to achieve personal success, to present the quality of the vocational With the spread of the Covid-19 virus and the situation of travel restrictions in Europe, the international competition for young professionals EuroSkills 2020 has been postponed indefinitely. The competition was planned to take place in Graz, Austria, in January 2021, and this year the Latvian team planned to participate in the competition in 16 professions. Team Austria 2016 - EuroSkills 2016 by skillsaustria Team Austria 2016 - mit Teamleader by skillsaustria Team Austria 2016 - mit Logo EuroSkills 2016 by skillsaustria This is the impression clip of EuroSkills: the career event held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2008.

WorldSkills Netherlands promoot het belang van het vakmanschap en het beroepsonderwijs. Daarbij richt WorldSkills Netherlands zich met al haar activiteiten op drie pijlers: imagoverbetering, talentontwikkeling en beroeps- en loopbaanoriëntatie (LOB). Om al deze processen te bevorderen organiseert en investeert Skills Netherlands in een breed scala aan evenementen en activiteiten.

Publisher Logo. Vi värdesätter din integritet. Vi och våra leverantörer lagrar och/eller får åtkomst till information på en enhet, exempelvis cookies, samt bearbetar 

I won a gold medal [at EuroSkills] in Portugal and then a gold medal at WorldSkills in London. WorldSkills Netherlands promoot het belang van het vakmanschap en het beroepsonderwijs. Daarbij richt WorldSkills Netherlands zich met al haar activiteiten op drie pijlers: imagoverbetering, talentontwikkeling en beroeps- en loopbaanoriëntatie (LOB).

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Yrkestävlingar för Industrielektriker och Automationstekniker. Hem · Tävlingar · Team Sweden Yrkes-EM EuroSkills. De som i respektive yrke vunnit  Andreas Sjöberg tog hem silverplatsen i lastbilsteknik under EuroSkills i Göteborg i helgen. De båda Volvobolagen, AB Volvo och Volvo Cars går gemensamt in som officiell partner i EuroSkills, Yrkes-EM i Göteborg. Trailer.se logo Solectro AB sponsrar EuroSkills - Europas största yrkestävling. Industritorget.se logo Följande mönterkortsfräsar kommer att finnas med på EuroSkills: Det blir första gången som EuroSkills arrangeras i Norden. Bakom den svenska ansökan står WorldSkills Sweden tillsammans med parter i Göteborgsregionen.
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Vítězný tým společnosti HAUSER (zleva doprava): Peter Breitenfellner (Director Sales International HAUSER. 26 Nov. HAUSER gewinnt SkillsAustria 2018 Frische seit über 70 Jahren.

At EuroSkills 2018 in Budapest, Team UK's 22 competitors are heading into their last day of competition today - but yesterday held much excitement for all of them..
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EuroSkills Lille 2014 was hosted by WorldSkills France (a Member of WorldSkills Europe) and the Region of Nord-Pas de Calais. The final results of EuroSkills Lille 2014 were made official during a spectacular Closing Ceremony at the Zenith Arena.

September 2021 mehr. AustrianSkills 2021. Staatsmeisterschaften der Berufe von 18. – 21. November 2021 in EuroSkills Lille 2014 was hosted by WorldSkills France (a Member of WorldSkills Europe) and the Region of Nord-Pas de Calais. The final results of EuroSkills Lille 2014 were made official during a spectacular Closing Ceremony at the Zenith Arena. EuroSkills 2016, au coeur de la compétitionRevivez le récit de la compétition européenne avec les 7 jeunes issus des CFA du BTP. Plus grand concours des métiers au monde, les Olympiades des Métiers permettent à de jeunes professionnels venus du monde entier, de se mesurer lors d’une compétition internationale.